Jon ‘Cong’ Barnett – Question Time


Jon Barnett



Area you reside?


When did you get into BMX?

1970’s episode of CHiPs, which I put up the other day. That lit the fire.

First BMX?

Raleigh Chrome Burner

Current BMX?

FBM Capone

Favourite place to ride?

Ramp room, Charlton

Best session?


Top BMX-related memories?

Walking in the back way at the Barrow comp, and seeing Scott, Andy, and Gogo smashing the wall ride.

Walking into Spitalfields market as Matt Hoffman hit a 15’ no-hander on the Friday night.

Doing a demo outside the Hacienda with Rich Browne Chris Hamer And Harry and an insane night.

Seeing the premiere of seek and destroy at the Chenga comp (Massive thanks to John for that trip).


Like my pedals and pegs – Metal.

Other interests?

Martial arts, Scuba diving.

Last words?

Stay on target, ride the line.